New Payment Methods feb.2021
In order to better secure your browsing in this site, now auashop has received the security certificate and has now became and we have changed some rules on orders received.
Multisafe Pay
With this option you can pay now a complete safety online payment with a 3D certificate Multisafe Pay. This method accept all credit/debit cards, bank tranfer and other secure systems. Actually who select this method will not pay any commission/fee.
If you have problems to pay directly, we can also send you an email, sms or whatapp message with the payment link (valid 7 days)
Due the sales protection system set by Paypal, from Feb.2021 we must cancel all cheap shipping options like postamail service or similar. The problem is that Paypal want to know the tracking number of delivery and cheap postal service don't offer this option.
All personalized material and audio material that you order in this site is realized ON-DEMAND: is not ready to send you. When we receive your order, it is put into production and according to the order load that we have it, will be realized.
Per migliorare la sicurezza navigando su questo sito, L'Auashop ha ricevuto un certificato di sicurezza e ora state navigando su
Multisafe Pay
Con questa opzione ora potete pagare tranquillamente online con un sistema di pagamento sicuro 3D come multisafe pay: accetta qualsiasi tipo di carta di debito/credito o prepagata e altri metodi sicuri. Se avete problemi a pagare direttamente sul link, possiamo inviarvi un messaggio email, un sms o messaggio whatsapp con il link del pagamento (valido 7 giorni).
A causa del programma di protezione di Paypal sui compratori, a partire da febbraio 2021 ci vediamo costretti ad eliminare tutti quei servizi di spedizione economici come postamail o piego di libri in quanto non prevedono la tracciabilità della spedizione. Paypal chiede a noi il tracking number della spedizione a volte anche solo per addebitarci il denaro sul nostro conto. In caso che il pacco per qualche ragione venga perso il tracking number è la prova che noi abbiamo eseguito la spedizione.
Tutti gli oggetti personalizzati e le produzioni audio che ordinate sul sito vengono realizzate on-demand, non sono quindi pronte per la spedizione. Quando riceviamo il vostro ordine, viene messo in produzione e in base al carico d'ordini che abbiamo verrà realizzato.
Copyrights: is a website of the Aua Records group that offer the possibility to personalized slipmats, mask and other objects with your logo and images. You must be the owner of the images or have the rights to use them.
Aua Records will not be liable in case of violation of copyright rights created by customers. In any case, aua records may reserve the right not to accept the graphics provided and cancel the order or ask the customer to prove that they have the rights to use the graphics.
Personalized slipmats that we sell in our website:
All personalized slipmats that we sell in our website are realized under licence of the owners of the rights of the images and the logos.Our company has contacted the owners who authorized it and they will receive a percentage of royalties in the sale of these products.
If the person who gave us the authorization has declared the forgery or is not the sole owner of the rights, the aua records cannot be held responsible in case of violation of others. After having had real evidence of this violation, we will remove any disputed graphics from the site, but any rights must be requested from those who gave us the authorization to use these graphics.
Printing Quality:
Objects will be personalized with Digital printers complete with certified Epson color calibration and your graphics will not be changed and any color changes from what you see on your computer are not attributable to aua records. For best results we suggest to send us high quality images and graphics, 300 dpi is a good resolution. Remember that we print on felt and on cork, is not a white paper, so is normal that can be a little difference of colors respect an image printed on paper.
Your graphics:
To realize your graphics you can download and use our template to create your graphics and then you can send us as an attachment on a email message or wetransfer. Please in the message object insert the reference/number of your order, not insert in the object name, nickname, name of the band, or other to avoid confusion or lose your graphics. The template has tracks, if you send us the definitive file including tracks, those will also be printed together with your graphic.
Production time:
The production time depend of our production and/or current orders. Slipmats are printed on-demand, orders are entered into production based on the date of receipt of payment. Normally to print on felt is more fast respect cork. We remind you that this is a customization service, requires processing before being shipped, manual operations and ours is an artisan company. Do not plan to send the graphic and it will be sent to you on the same day or printed and sent on weekends and public holidays (Italian holidays).
The product that you order in our site will be send with the method of delivery that you select. Cause new the new protection policy of some payment methods all cheap shipping solution are no more available. The UPS Access Point shipping solution can be cheapest solution with tracking number.
We accept cr edit/debit card payments with secure SSL 3D Multisafe Pay system with no fees. We can also accept Paypal payment and you can pay directly with a secure re-direct link to your paypal account. Apply paypal fees is possible. If you don't have a paypal account and are interested to order something, please write us using the contact page. Italian customers: postepay is also possible please select it in the payment options.
Return Policy:
AUA Records does not accept returns of materials unless agreed via email. The return costs will be charged to the customer who will have to return the goods at his own expense with his courier.